Surveying the waters of 2111

Coral reefs worldwide could face extinction by 2050, according to the World Resources Institute. At this rate, what will our oceans look like in 2111? An exhibition in Tokyo aims to shed light on an issue that could potentially see countless species, not to mention the 500 million people whose livelihoods depend on those reefs, completely wiped out.







An exhibition in Tokyo aims to shed light on an issue that(S) could potentially see(V) countless species(O), not to mention the 500 million people whose livelihoods depend on those reefs, completely wiped out(C).



survey <動>調査する、the waters <名>海、coral <名>サンゴ、reef <名>岩礁、

extinction <名>絶滅、issue <名>論点 問題、species <名>種、mention <動>話題にする、livelihoods <名>生活、wipe out <動>消え去る。


according to ~ ~によると、at this rate この調子では。