This year’s hanami in Tokyo is set to be one of unprecedented sobriety. In respect to the recent tragedy in the Tohoku region, the cherry-blossom-viewing parties traditionally lubricated with liberal amounts of alcohol are being discouraged by park authorities.Many officials are calling for citizens to show self-restraint (jishuku).
In respect to the recent tragedy in the Tohoku region, the cherry-blossom-viewing parties(S) traditionally lubricated with liberal amounts of alcohol are being discouraged(V) by park authorities.Many officials are calling for citizens to show self-restraint (jishuku).
precedent <名>先例、sobriety <名>しらふ 節酒、respect <動>尊敬する 配慮する、lubricate <動>油(潤滑油)をさす、discourage <動>がっかりさせる。
to ~ not to ・・ ~すべきか否か
respect = re(=back)+spect(=look at carefully)→振返ってよく見る⇒尊敬する
expect = ex(=out)→外をよく見る⇒予期する・期待する
inspect = 中をよく見る⇒視察する