One certainty in the crisis: Power will be at a premium

While it is still uncertain how the worsening crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant will ultimately play out, Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s decision to pump in seawater to cool the reactors effectively damaged them beyond repair.







Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s decision(S) to pump in seawater to cool the reactors effectively damaged(V) them(O) beyond repair.


certainty <名>確かな事 <形>certain、crisis <名>危機、at a premium 貴重な、

while <接>~であるが =although、uncertain <形>不確かな、

worsen <動>悪化させる <形>worse、ultimately <副>最後に、play out 展開する、decision、pump <動>汲む、cool <動>冷やす、effectively <副>効果的に、

damage <動>傷つける、beyond repair 修繕が効かないほどに。
