Last week, the Fuji TV newsmagazine "Mr. Sunday" looked at Korean pop's success in Japan from two angles. Taking a street-level perspective, the show's host, Seiji Miyane, hung out in Tokyo's Okubo district, which has become "the new Harajuku" because young Japanese women flock there to rub up against Korean culture.
Last week, the Fuji TV newsmagazine "Mr. Sunday"(S) looked at(V) Korean pop's success(O) in Japan from two angles. Taking a street-level perspective, the show's host, Seiji Miyane(S), hung out(V) in Tokyo's Okubo district, which has become "the new Harajuku" because young Japanese women flock there to rub up against Korean culture.
angle 角度、perspective 視点、host 司会、hang out たまり場にする うろつく、district 地域 区、flock 群がる、rub up こすりつける
※rub up 直訳ではあまりに酷い日本語になるので、意訳しています