Two abductees 'alive' in '06

Two Japanese abducted by North Korea were reported alive there as of 2006, despite Pyongyang's claim they died decades earlier, a relative of one of them claimed Thursday.






Two Japanese(S) abducted by North Korea were reported(V) alive(C) there as of 2006, despite Pyongyang's claim they died decades earlier, a relative of one of them claimed Thursday.

abduct(ee) 動詞に<接尾>eeをつけてその動詞の”被行為者”となる このパターンはemploy(ee) 雇う->従業員と同じです 他にもinterview(ee)があります、いずれも+erでは”行為者”になります。alive <形>生きている、as of XX XX現在、decade