From June through August of last year, Japan experienced its highest average temperatures on record. So the overwhelming choice of 暑 (atsu-i, sho, hot weather) as Kanji of the Year for 2010 came as no surprise. Day after sweltering day, the nation collectively moaned, "Atsui, atsui!" (「暑い、暑い!」 "It's hot!"), and then watched in disbelief as the thermometer continued to resist going down with the arrival of autumn.
From June through August of last year, Japan(S) experienced(V) its highest average temperatures(O) on record. So the overwhelming choice(S) of 暑 (atsu-i, sho, hot weather) as Kanji of the Year for 2010 came(V) as no surprise. Day after sweltering day, the nation(S) collectively moaned(V1), "Atsui, atsui!" (「暑い、暑い!」 "It's hot!")(O1), and then watched(V2) in disbelief as the thermometer continued to resist going down with the arrival of autumn.
experience 体験する、temperature 温度 気温、on record 記録された、overwhelming 圧倒的な、coice 選択、come ある状態になる、day after day 来る日も来る日も、sweltering うだるように暑い、moan うめき声をあげる、in disbelief 信じられない風に、thermometer 温度計、resist 反抗する、arrival 到着、最後の文は少し難しいですが、watch は自動詞で、じっと見る、見守るという意味です。